
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam congue diam gravida arcu porta feugiat. Pellentesque convallis laoreet pellentesque. Sed scelerisque rhoncus felis. Aliquam euismod vestibulum nisl, sed congue mi condimentum sit amet. Maecenas scelerisque convallis lacus, a sollicitudin sapien mollis in. Morbi id orci ac turpis convallis faucibus nec in felis. Suspendisse potenti. Nam vitae sem justo. Vestibulum condimentum, dolor id venenatis vestibulum, lacus libero tincidunt augue, non facilisis justo tellus ac ante. Pellentesque vel diam tempus, lobortis risus id, rutrum ligula. In vel faucibus ipsum. Curabitur eu nunc nec lectus convallis cursus vitae vitae sem.

Fusce sit amet ultrices ante, non ullamcorper dui. Donec ut tincidunt eros. Nunc consequat at orci sed dictum. Donec nec sagittis erat. Sed semper pellentesque est nec bibendum. Ut pretium gravida arcu laoreet cursus. Pellentesque lectus purus, mollis posuere mauris eget, dapibus lobortis urna. Nulla rhoncus eu velit sed tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ipsum venenatis rhoncus accumsan. Nam in vulputate nunc. Phasellus egestas metus et metus semper mollis. Sed hendrerit dui sit amet fermentum volutpat. Vivamus non egestas sem.

Morbi sollicitudin malesuada facilisis. Cras sed est vestibulum massa commodo mattis. Donec malesuada tincidunt pretium. In sollicitudin nulla vitae neque pellentesque commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae nulla sit amet tortor venenatis suscipit congue a justo. Sed rhoncus libero quis vehicula condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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  1. Azul - Reply

    By :By :By :By :By :RE: Not covered tgruohh INSURANCE.you didn’t answer my question. there is no check on their demand for healthcare. everyone essentially does have insurance. why then does healthcare cost so much less than in the US?What do you mean there is no check on their demand? The government prescribes what is allowed. Health care is rationed just about everywhere on the planet.health insurance companies do the same here only much much worse. millions have lost their healthcare coverage and it hasn’t dented costs. should we do away with our employer based system and that would fix that problem? your plan doesn’t work and it isn’t working.My plan isn’t working? Obamacare is more of what we have! what we have now is millions of people losing their health insurance and 40,000 dying a year from lack of healthcare. the obama plan adds 30 million to the inurance rolls. I don’t know how that is more of what we have?you think less insurance will solve the problem. each year less people have healthcare and it’s caused obamacare to pass. your plan isn’t working. Rate this comment: 0 0

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